Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Assignment - Due January 12th

Your first assignment is to create a blog following these steps:

1) Go to

2) Hit the "Get Started" button.

3) Fill out the required information. Your "display name" is the name that will come up as your signature when you comment on other blogs. You can use your actual name and pick something else. Remember to keep it professional and preferably aviation-related if you choose not to use your actual name. Also, you will be required to create a blog name (the title that will show at the top of the blog) and blog address. Remember, keep it professional and aviation related. It may take you a few tries to come up with something that isn't already taken.

4) Select a template. Don't worry if you don't like the choices.  You will be able to change this at some point if you'd like.

5) You are now ready to write your first post!  In the upper right corner, select "New Post". Title it and type away.  Your first assignment is to 1) Create the blog and send me the blog address via email and 2) Write an introduction blog post. The basics - how you got into aviation, where you are going in aviation (3-5 paragraphs), and current topics that interest you and why. No links required in this assignment. Please complete this assignment by January 18th.

On January 15th I will pass out a list of all the blogs as well as give the first "real" topic for the following week.

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